Two Dog Tales

Mothers and Daughters at Two Dog

By Valerie Sasson
Sharing the experience of sore muscles on Sunday mornings from the February 2013 Two Dog Newsletter

Camille and I began coming to Annie's Saturday morning class years ago -- Camille, who is now nearly 18, must have been 12. I don't quite remember how it started except that we had both taken little bits of yoga class before and were looking for something to do together. She will remember better, I think.

As the weeks and months and now years passed we moved from the 10:30 class to the 8:30 class, giving up that precious Saturday sleeping in, to do this thing together.

"Yoga in the morning, Mom?"

"Oh, sure."

A shared experience of showing up -- to class and to each other and to ourselves. A shared experience of effort and release, particulars and universals, expansion and gathering in. A shared experience of Annie's wisdom and guidance. Partner work fostering trust and humor, revelations of limits and growth.

We are both heady and hard working so the shared experience of sore muscles on Sunday mornings is bonus bonding. "Bonus" because I think I'm tremendously fortunate that Camille and I like one another, like doing things together and sharing with one another. Yoga, Saturday mornings with Annie and the crew, has been our shared ground and we have blossomed.

Camille has plans to study far afield this coming fall. She will need yoga to help her stay grounded in the big world. Will I come to Saturday morning yoga? You bet. But I'll be back at the 10:30 class for a time -- I have a second daughter, Olivia, now 12, gearing up to downward dog on the mat by my side.  

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