Poop Talks
with Janell Hartman
Saturday, April 2nd | 2-4pm

Although still somewhat of a taboo topic in our culture, pooping is among the most crucial yet elusive aspects of our health and vitality. 

Imbalances like constipation, diarrhea, digestive issues and colon cancer are all too common in modern life.
Equipped with some basic knowledge of why and how our digestive and elimination system operates can save us a lot of suffering.

In this workshop, we'll get to know how the digestive system works and explore ancient poop knowledge from Ayurveda and Chinese Medicine, along with observations from Janell's many years of study and experience as a professional colon hydro therapist.

Beyond mere discussion, Janell will lead a gentle asana practice which addresses anatomical and pranic sources of gut wellness as well as breath work and an easy self massage routine that can help keep things moving.

Questions are encouraged and addressed via the chat room directly to Janell, so your privacy is respected whilst your curiosity is satisfied.

Whether you're poop-shy or a poop-enthusiast, get ready for a renewed sense of empowerment in your poop-life!

JOIN Poop Talks

    $43 PayPal, $40 cash/check (Contact Annie for cash/check payment)

Poop Talks with Janell Hartman

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